When I was a kid, I played "Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale" a lot and I always thought it was a nice touch that the full youkai version of Inuyasha had his name with shades of purple to differentiate him from his normal version on the lifebar. So after after being unsure for a while, I decided "why not on MUGEN too?" Let's go.
- Set the displayname to "^" (no quotes) for Inuyasha (Full Youkai).
The name gets purple as in "Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale" from PS1.
- Set the displayname to "{" (no quotes) for Hajime Saitou (Shinsengumi version).
The name colors become inverted as in "Rurouni Kenshin: Soul and Sword".
Of course for this to work properly, the whole screenpack should have this, if not just the lifebars will show the names correctly. That said, all lifebars and screenpacks found here are compatible with this feature. If your copy doesn't have it, it's because it's outdated. Download it again.
Roman numbers
- Set the displayname to "{" (no quotes) for Hajime Saitou (Shinsengumi version).
The name colors become inverted as in "Rurouni Kenshin: Soul and Sword".
- Set the displayname to "`" (no quotes) for Hollow Ichigo.
The name will be mirrored as in "Bleach Dark Souls" from DS.Of course for this to work properly, the whole screenpack should have this, if not just the lifebars will show the names correctly. That said, all lifebars and screenpacks found here are compatible with this feature. If your copy doesn't have it, it's because it's outdated. Download it again.
˿ = EX
˳ = Nightmare Geese
˵ = Orochi Chris
˷ = Orochi Iori
˹ = Orochi Leona
˻ = Orochi Shermie
˽ = Orochi Yashiro
The name gets red as in "KOF 2002 UM".
ʭ = Ⅰ
ʮ = Ⅱ
ʯ = Ⅲ
Greek letters (doesn't need workarounds).
Γ, Δ, Λ, Σ, Ψ, Ω, α, β, μ, ν.